Our bodies are made of energy.To achieve and maintain vibrant health, we must protect our energy's frequency and flow (or circulation) throughout the body.The principles of energy medicine originate from quantum physics. Everything in the universe is made of energy. Like all matter, the human body is not just made up of physical and chemical structures; it also has subtle energy fields known as bio-energy. We continuously radiate, absorb and conduct frequency waves of energy. Bio-energy is crucial to life and is sometimes called "the biofield", "vital energy", "aura", "Qi" (Chinese), "Prana" (Indian), "Mana" (Polynesian), "Barraka" (Islamic), "Ki" (Japanese), etc. To attain and maintain vibrant health, we must protect vital bio-energy. It must be free-flowing, and in perfect vibration or frequency.Unfortunately, many factors such as stress, pollution, sedentary lifestyle, poor water quality, poor diet, and increasing radiation from electromagnetic waves (mobile phones, radio, computers, television, microwave ovens, wireless networks, etc.), can weaken the body's bio-energy or disrupt its flow and circulation.
FIR: Improves Circulation & Energises Body FluidThe total length of the blood vessels in the human body is 60,000km! Imagine blood has to travel that distance every 1-2 minutes to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all your cells and to remove waste material from them. Numerous studies have shown that FIR dilates capillary vessels, thus facilitating blood circulation for better oxygen and nutrient delivery, and for more effective toxin removal.Some toxic gases, including carbon dioxide, or heavy metals like mercury and chlorine are easily trapped in large water clusters in the body. FIR causes the water molecules to vibrate, resulting in the breakdown of their cluster size. Consequently, trapped toxic waste gases and other toxic materials are released, and ultimately flushed out of the body. Together with the improved circulation, reduced water cluster size helps to improve cellular function, giving you better energy and vitality.
Scalar Energy: Strengthens & Restores Balance to the Body's Bio-EnergyFirst discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, and proven by Nikola Tesla, scalar energy existence is also acknowledged by Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute, Germany , found that scalar energy unclumps and activates living cells. Scalar energy also increases cellular energy for trillions of cells and overall body energy levels, and nullifies the harmful effects of man made frequencies. Together, this helps to balance and strengthen the body's bio-energy.
Germanium: Facilitates the Conductivity & Flow of Bio-EnergySince 1858, in Lourdes , a small town in south-western France , many people have claimed that aches, pains and illness miraculously disappeared after dipping into a spring, now known as the famous "Holy Spring of Lourdes". Scientists have attributed the spring's healing properties to its high content of Germanium.One of the most fundamental properties of Germanium is its semi-conductivity, i.e. its ability to donate and receive electrons easily. Many of Germanium's healing properties may be due to this intrinsic electronic quality. Coupled with its ability to neutralise the effects of positive ions that can impede the smooth flow of energy, Germanium is able to facilitate the flow of the body's bio-energy, hence, increasing energy levels, and relieving pain and stiffness.
Negative Ions: Invigorate & Refresh the Mind & BodyEver wondered why the air feels more invigorating and you feel fresher when you are at a waterfall or in the mountains? This is due to the abundance of "feel good" negative ions in the air. Research has confirmed the beneficial effects of negative ions on living things - plants grow faster and healthier, animals are calmer and perform tasks better, and humans become less stressed and more alert.Negative ions have been found to facilitate the delivery of oxygen to cells, which stimulate bodily functions and rejuvenation. They also increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. Studies have also shown that negative ions help to lift mood, alleviate depression and stimulate the body's reticuloendothelial system: a group of defense cells in our bodies that marshal our resistance to disease.Unfortunately, air-conditioning, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, fluorescent lighting, cellular phones, electrical and electronic equipment, TV and computer screens - all adversely deplete negative ions from our surroundings and increase positive ions.
For more info contact: Jai K Joshi, 09829032309